Sunday, December 13, 2020

Alphabet of SL

This entry is a response to a challenge from Vaneeesa Blaylock which can be found here: VB 229 - Alphabet Blogging Challenge! (ABC) - Vanessa Blaylock 

a is for avatar our true selves are born

b is for bumper the sound of a horn

c is for centaur a shape I assume

d is for dog, animesh, by the moon

e is for elf ears my usual attire

f is for faun rocking out on a lyre

g is for gallivanting through many a sim

h is for horns both festive and grim

i is for inventory too much I have got

j is for jewelry blinging a lot

k is for kik laughing on the wrong keys

l is for lag immune to our pleas

m is for materials all shiny and new

n is for nails always perfect it's true

o is for object I have more than a few

p is for poseballs in pink and in blue

q is for quiver a costume I wear

r is for role play and putting on airs

s is for skybox way up on high

t is for tentacles waving goodbye

u is for unicorn and wishes come true

v is for vampires in a bloody debut 

w is for wings and of course I can fly

x is for xmas with advent gifts nigh

y is for years spent in creative play

z is for zhao makes me walk with a sway