Sunday, December 13, 2020

Alphabet of SL

This entry is a response to a challenge from Vaneeesa Blaylock which can be found here: VB 229 - Alphabet Blogging Challenge! (ABC) - Vanessa Blaylock 

a is for avatar our true selves are born

b is for bumper the sound of a horn

c is for centaur a shape I assume

d is for dog, animesh, by the moon

e is for elf ears my usual attire

f is for faun rocking out on a lyre

g is for gallivanting through many a sim

h is for horns both festive and grim

i is for inventory too much I have got

j is for jewelry blinging a lot

k is for kik laughing on the wrong keys

l is for lag immune to our pleas

m is for materials all shiny and new

n is for nails always perfect it's true

o is for object I have more than a few

p is for poseballs in pink and in blue

q is for quiver a costume I wear

r is for role play and putting on airs

s is for skybox way up on high

t is for tentacles waving goodbye

u is for unicorn and wishes come true

v is for vampires in a bloody debut 

w is for wings and of course I can fly

x is for xmas with advent gifts nigh

y is for years spent in creative play

z is for zhao makes me walk with a sway

1 comment:

  1. aww, fantastic, Trilby!! Such lovely poetry! And the photo illustrations really bring it to life. Ha! The flower pots on the tentacle are so fun!

    Here's a tentacle story you might not know...

    Even though my oversized artist's ego tends to obliterate all the alts, I actually was not the first to rez. Nor the second! Nor the third! I was the EIGHTH avatar! Kate, the first, rezzed half a year before me! I wish I could tell you that Kate started with "Girl Next Door", but it was actually "Gamer Girl".

    When you're new to your very first virtual world, it's sort of all confusing, feels weirdly "real", and giving them your credit card isn't your first choice. So I camped to get a hideous flexi skirt, made my own t-shirt, and made spikey, pink, system hair, a bit like the infamous Philip Linden avatar hair.

    At the age of a few days I was walking somewhere when this perfectly manicured schoolgirl, Clementine, saw me and took charge. What this meticulously detailed person saw in the noob disaster, I don't know. A chance to make something from nothing, perhaps. Clementine's uniform never changed: white blouse, plaid skirt, Mary Janes, nerd glasses, perfect hair. And a demure, almost motionless stand animation. Clementine made a shape for me, and gave me clothes and hair. And some red spots for my butt!

    Clementine's school was on an adult sim and I think there was probably a lot of corporal punishment. There was some huge man who lived in their house and of whom I was terrified of having to see or speak to. Other than encountering him once in the living room, I, fortunately, never had to deal with him. I was instinctively too bratty/dom to really be a schoolgirl like Clementine.

    Her house was on a small stream and up the stream just a bit were some caves. In the caves were these devices that would restrain you and then tentacles would come and slither down your throat and probably other places.

    One day Clementine said something had come up and she had to leave SL immediately. I never saw her again. It was sad to have someone so close vanish so suddenly. But while she was present, she was deeply present, and you can't really ask for more than that.

    I've long known of YOUR love of tentacles! You brought the 1st kraken to MU. And there was that time a group of us went to see that kraken that was in a cage by the water somewhere. We were all in kid avatars that day, I don't recall why.

    I've been aware of your affection for tentacles and kraken, but we've never really chatted about why they speak to you.

    And while I wasn't alive when Kate had her Clementine/tentacle experiences, I was, I suppose, in utero. Even now, when I see tentacles, there's a faint echo of Clementine's love, her sudden disappearance, and her cave filled with tentacles.
